Bit late getting this post up, but maybe it will help any fellow glasses wearers out there who need a last minute outfit! As you know, it's crappy being restricted in what we can dress as for Halloween. Sure, there's the general ghost, witch, cat -all of these can incorporate glasses. But sometimes we want to feel a bit original. If you're like me and anti contact lenses, or have issues with wearing contact lenses in general, then coming up with a suitable, grown-up costume can be tricky. Same for those of you who have beards -bro, I gets ya. It's quite a big thing on your face, designed to ruin most fancy dress occasions (terrorist is soo 5 years ago). So like with beards, it's best to incorporate the glasses rather than pretend they don't exist.
So here's a few ideas for my fellow glasses wearers. And yes, I'll spare you the oh so obvious Velma from Scooby-Doo, and I've left out some rather silly ones that I've noticed suggested on other sites... Daria? Really? So wear a green jacket and look moody. Or even Jess from New Girl -outfits like this really only work if you have a big sign saying who you are. Some of my own selected characters may even be obvious, but I tried to go for ones that would be recognisable at least.
If all else fails and you really have zero time and/ or money, work those glasses into a mask itself -cardboard and paint can go a long way to create a super hero or a masquerade disguise.

Chuckie Finster from Rugrats. |
Frank from the TV show 30 Rock. |
Where's Wally... Or Where's Waldo to our American friends! |
Geordi Laforge from Star Trek -turn your glasses into a visor! |
Harry Potter -super obvious but always a goody. |
Linda Belcher from TV's Bob's Burgers. |
Olive from the movie Little Miss Sunshine. |
Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory -age test of the night will be to see who gets the reference. |
Maurice Moss from the IT crowd. |
Meg from Family Guy. |
The Minions. |
Austin Powers. Another obvious one, and also quite annoying... So guys who are considering it, I would warn only pull this out if you wish to remain single that night. |
Napoleon Dynamite. |
Tina from TV's Bob's Burgers. |
Walter White from TV's Breaking Bad. |
Ugly Betty. If you have time I highly suggest sourcing the famous poncho or at least attempting to make a similar one... And if you attempt to do so then please send me photos. She's like, my spirit animal. |

Any other suggestions,
please feel free to write them in the comments.
And *Happy Halloween* everyone!
These are all great ideas!