Saturday 31 January 2015

Marriage equality in Ireland

I'm happy to say, that after having to leave college last year due to illness, I'm doing super well now in my third year :) I've began my work placement in a local LGBT group and loving it so far! As most of you will know (Irish readers, anyway), the marriage equality referendum is taking place this year. We are hoping to put together a small video of local, well-known folk showing their support on a yes vote. This may include -Councillors, radio or TV presenters, sports personalities, musicians/ bands, organisations... anyone really, who is well-known either living in or from anywhere in Co. Louth. Interested in showing your support, or know someone who this may apply to? Contact details in the post below... 

For further details see:

Want to help? Why not contact your local LGBT centre and
see if you can volunteer for canvassing or in any other way. From Co. Louth? Save and post the above flyer to your Facebook and Twitter accounts (make sure the picture settings for it are set to 'public', so that your friends can share it forward). If nothing else, at least put this photo (or a similar one) as your Facebook profile picture to show your support:

No matter what your sexuality is, this is an issue of human rights and equality, and effects us all in Ireland! 


  1. Good on ya for posting this, and keep fighting the good fight! Yours in solidarity, Sorcha
