Thanks so much to everyone who attended, and donated to Simon's hair shave event. Thanks to Crooked Canyon and The Bartender for their hospitality and talents, and to Chaplin's hair salon in Dundalk who organised the hair to be sent off to the Rapunzel charity.
For anyone who would still like to donate, you can still do so here.
Here's a couple of photos of Simon, the day after the head shave (The midsection took a couple days to disappear, with all the excitement I forgot to brush it beforehand, haha!)
The Outcomers centre has also ran two successful coffee mornings and The Marriage Equality Louth group have just finished running a
pub table quiz, which I heard also went fantastically.
Next up (locally) is another pub table quiz: Marriage Equality Table Quiz & Raffle
Oh and remember -we are still looking for locals (local-ish, we've extended outside Co. Louth due to interest) who run businesses and organisations, take part in a sports team or club, who are a musician, politician, etc., to pledge to vote in a short marriage equality video.
Interested? Send me an e-mail with any queries...
Don't live near by? Check out my previous posts on what you can do to help the cause: This one and this one.
And of course if nothing else -VOTE YES to equality in May. Start discussions and debates with friends, work colleges, relatives... Tell them why you are voting yes, why equal rights for all is so important to you, and ask them to go out and vote with you.
Don't assume a yes result is in the bag
-Get active and be passionate about equal rights.

Living with disability and chronic pain in Ireland. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, chiari malformation, hip dysplasia, dysautonomia, hiatal hernia/ GERD etc. Taking part in the campaign to reclaim the word cripple as a positive. Ex cancer patient (Hodgkin lymphoma). Very pro-choice #RepealThe8th. Atheist/ sceptic/ scientific thinker/ anti dangerous woo. Love art, photography, animals and vintage toys. Trekkie in between all that... May contain sarcasm and crappy puns.
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