Friday, 23 May 2014

100 days of happiness... Day 1: Vegan cauliflower and asparagus soup

I've seen the '100 days of happiness' posts around Facebook and thought I may as well join in, partially to celebrate finishing radiotherapy, and in general, everyone could do with a bit of happiness -Thought I'd share mine around! ...I'm such a fucking hippy these days, I know. Or crusty... Is that the smelly ones? Yeah, crusty.

As you can expect (and as I've seen with everyone else's posts too), most of these will probably be food related (well, at least until I do the 28-day juice thing, but that's a story for laters...), and sure why the hell not?

Guna kick this shit off with my vegan cauliflower and asparagus soup. This is sooo what made me happy today. This recipe is stupid-easy to make. As well as quick, healthy, cruelty free and tasty as hell...


  • Cauliflower (fresh or frozen) -around 3 cups worth 
  • Asparagus (fresh) -around 7 spears 
  • Spring onion -around 4
  • Soya milk (either sweetened or unsweetened, although the sweetened one adds a nice little extra taste to it) -around 3 cups
  • Garlic (fresh or the dry granulated stuff) -As little or a much as you like
  • Salt and pepper -Again, whatever amount ya think tastes good 


  • Place the cauliflower in a pot with your garlic, cover with water and bring to the boil on full heat
  • When this begins to boil, add the asparagus and spring onion and turn down the heat
  • Cook for about a further 2 minutes, or until the vegetables have soften slightly
  • Take off the boil and blend up the mixture
  • Add in the soya milk, salt and pepper -How much depends on your own preference and how thick/ thin you like your soup
  • Whisk again and ta-da! Shit easy, healthy soup!


(Per pot/ recipe -One pot makes about 4-5 portions)

Calories 322
Total fat 11.2g
Saturated fat 1.92g
Carbohydrate 33.82g
Fibre 22.1g
Protein 27.74g


  1. Blenders: If using a hand-held, great, plug that baby in and blend away, but if you're using a jug style blender I suggest letting the mixture cool before transferring to the jug (Cheaper blender will break with the heat! ...Sorry to be so obvious, haha, but there might be readers out there unaware of this/ who have never made a soup before or used a blender!)
  2. If you are making this for a vegan, remember, not all breads are vegan. To check if yours is, simply look at the ingredients list. If nothing is glaringly obvious on it, check the allergy list -obviously if it says 'contains milk', then it contains milk.
  3. Similarly, butter and margarine are clearly not vegan, but you can buy dairy-free spreads -such as 'Pure'. 
  4. Don't over-cook your veggies! Remember, if you're using frozen cauliflower, it'll cook quicker than fresh produce and the last thing you want is horrible, soggy, tasteless vegetables with all the nutrients and life sucked outa 'em! You want them with a bita crunch to keep their flavour.

If ya end up trying it, please do leave a comment below! (◕ ‿ ◕) Or if ya have any questions, ask away... 

Rawk on, bitches! sCuP LoVeLy SoUp! 

With everyone out voting today, thought I'd do my own campaign poster. 

Ya like? ...A vote for me, is a vote for good soup. 

1 comment:

  1. nothing like trying out and succeeding with a new recipe for celebration! and you look so cute in your campaign poster!
