Thursday, 21 April 2016

My five year bucket list

As mentioned before, I've been working on and implementing a five year mini bucket list -To complete from ages 30-35 (I'm now 31). I like the idea of a short, temporary list, rather than one big, long list... 

Being ill means I don't always have the luxury of knowing what's around the corner, and planning anything can be hard. Life is very much on a day-to-day basis. So no laughing at some of these rather silly, and small hopeful accomplishments! Or nuggies all round! They may not be a big deal to a healthy person, but as I sometimes need help to the toilet these days, they are milestones in comparison. 

It was reeeeeally therapeutic writing this! I suggest everyone does one.



 What do you have planned for your life? do you have a bucket list, and if so, what's number one? Or do you prefer short-term life goal lists like this? Comment below...

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